Friday Field Trip!

I wish I had more pictures to share but the battery died on the camera. Oops. We left with some German candies, some pretzel goldfish crackers that my son HAD to have, and a box of Spaetzle that I made for dinner. They were basically egg noodles. But "spaetzle" is more fun to say.
Speaking of "fun to say"-
Let's Learn Some German!!
German was once the unifying language of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe. It is still taught in many areas outside of Germany as a second (or third) language. German also has the most native speakers of any language in Europe. So we should learn some....
Good Morning - Guten Morgen Good Night - Gute Nacht
Good Bye- Auf Wiedersehen Thank You- Danke
Yes - Ja No- Nein I Love You - Ich Liebe Dich
1- ein 2- zwei 3- drei 4- vier 5 - funf
6 - sechs 7 - sieben 8 - acht 9 - neun 10 - zehn
red - rot yellow - gelb green - grun blue - blau
black - Schwarz white - Weiss
Monday - Montag Tuesday - Dienstag Wednesday - Mittwoch
Thursday - Donnerstag Friday - Freitag Saturday - Samstag
Sunday - Sonntag
Airplane- Flugzeug Train - Bahn Helicopter - Hubschrauber
That all for tonite folks, I'm beat and ready for bed!! Gute Nacht!!
Aren't these cute?! The store had every animal you could think of- all made of straw :)
wow! that looks like a fun place to visit! I've got some german roots --- would love to visit someday.